Hippophae rhamnoides Information Archive
TPIA Search Engine
All the search options listed below are used to systemtically search information within the Hippophae rhamnoides information archive (HRIA).
Basic Searches
Quick Search:

(Use gene locus identifier to directly search its relative information in HRIA. Example:'Sph_LG10G0016'.)

 Text Search:

(Use a keyword to simultaneously search information in TPIA. Examples: 'Theanine', 'MYB', 'PAL', 'Xia EH')

Advanced Searches
Step 2: Select gene feature (Required)

- Select one or more feature types

Step 3: Narrow results (Optional)

- Select search criteria to return specific types of genes. Results will match all selected criteria. - Select search criteria by clicking on a checkbox, filling in a dialog box, or selecting a menu option. - Select or unselect multiple options for Scaffolds and functional categories (GO terms, PFAM domain, Transcription factors, KEGG pathway) by pressing the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key while clicking.

Sequence and expression properties:
Is a feature that is AND
Highly expressed in AND

Is on the following Scaffold sequence(s): AND

(Select "All" scaffolds or specifically select each of the scaffold of interest rather than "All")

Gene Ontology (GO) annotation: AND

Is annotated to the following GO-Slim term(s): you will retrieve features annotated directly to the GO terms you select as well as any children of those GO terms.

Add additional GOIDs here(One ID per line)

Transcription factor (TF) and PFAM domain annotation: AND
Is annotated to the following TFs and PFAM domain(s):
Add PFAM accessions here(One acession per line)

Specialized Gene and Sequence Searches
- Simultaneous retrieval of multiple types of data for a list of gene or feature names

- Compare any query sequence against various tea plant omics-datasets

- View and navigate Hippophae rhamnoides genomic sequence
2019 © Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, No.1 Dong Xiaofu, Haidian District, Beijing 100091, China